Plant Diagnostic App

pdlThe UConn Plant Diagnostic Lab has partnered with other university diagnostic labs led by Purdue University to create a plant diagnostic app for the iPhone and iPad.  The app is now available and the download is free.  Users select the diagnostic lab of their choice (usually the closest geographically), complete sample information forms and submit up to six diagnostic images.  When complete, the submission is sent to the selected diagnostic lab via email.   Once a lab is selected, it will become your default lab unless changed.
Submissions may include plant disease or insect problems and plant or insect ID.   There is currently no fee for image diagnosis at UConn but this varies depending on the lab selected.  If an accurate ID or diagnosis cannot be made from the information and images submitted, additional information, images or a physical sample may be requested. 
To find the app, search for ‘plant sample submission’.   Check it out and try this new tool!