Hartford Job Corps Learns about FoodChoice

UConn Extension’s Heather Pease did a Food Day Photovoice Project on October 24th with Dr. Debarchana Ghosh from the Geography department at UConn as part of Extension’s Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program. The program was conducted at the Hartford Job Corps program and is the second Photovoice project the team has completed for Hartford Job Corps.

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We chose the topic “Choices of Food in your Community.” We then asked the participants to take photos in three different settings, the Job Corps Cafeteria the Wal-Mart plaza and their own neighborhood. The students selected photos and provided narratives based on the “SHOWED” method. The showed method asks the students to look at the pictures in terms of community strengths and weaknesses. We also challenged the students to buy the most calorie dense food and the most nutritious food they could buy for a dollar at Walmart. The students of Job Corps presented their photos and narratives to their community on Food Day – October 24th. The Photovoice trifold boards are on display at the UConn Greater Hartford Campus Trecker Library.