COVID-19 Resources: Hand washing & Activity Risk Chart

hand washing
Photo: Clemson Extension

Are You Keeping Your Hands Clean?

Keeping your hands clean is a good way to keep germs away. Make sure you are washing your hands effectively and are scrubbing every part! has published a graphic that details parts of our hands we often miss when handwashing. To view click here.

Estas Manteniendo Tus Manos Limpias?

Manteniendo sus manos limpias es una buena forma de mantener alejados los gérmenes. Asegúrese de lavarse las manos de manera eficaz, tallando todas las partes. a publicado un gráfico que enseña partes que muchas veces no so talladas. Para verlo haga clic aqui.

covid 19 risk chartCOVID-19 Risk Chart

What activities put you more at risk of getting COVID-19?

The Texas Medical Association has created a chart ranking activities from low to high risk.

Click here to view the chart.