
Headphone Etiquette on the Trail

Headphone etiquette on the trail: With the world situation changing daily, more people have been finding their way out to trails. Some it maybe their 1 st time riding or walking trails. There are still some rules and etiquette that need to be followed. Most of us enjoy listening to music, podcasts or audiobooks to […]

February is Heart Health Month

February is National Heart Health Month! Did you know that walking is one of the simplest ways to get active and stay active? With each step, you improve your mental and physical health. Research has shown that simply being outdoors can help brighten your mood, and relieve stress. And walking can have a significant impact […]

February is Heart Health Month – Hit the Trails for Your Heart

February is heart health month – to raise awareness about heart disease and how people can prevent it. Walking is one easy way to increase physical fitness. Every step counts. Most adults should try for at least 150 minutes (2.5 hours) a week of moderate intensity activity. 30 minutes of brisk walking on at least […]